Our Services – Florence Clinic

Primary medical care is the most visible and vital of all the healthcare services provided by Mercy Medical Free Clinics. It consists of addressing many of the more prevalent health conditions that prevail throughout our region, such as diabetes and hypertension. We are fortunate to have a number of dedicated paid staff such as our nurse practitioners and registered nurses along with an outstanding group of volunteer physicians, a podiatrist, dietitian and physical therapist. Specialist care referrals are made as appropriate, usually with a patient co-pay after the first visit in most cases.

The many indigent and working poor patients who come to us for dental services are unable to afford basic dental care. Dental care at the clinic consists primarily of treatment for pain and infection, including necessary extractions, and restorations (fillings). Dental care at Mercy Medical Free Clinics is provided by volunteer dentists from our community. If indicated, we can help patients with the cost of dentures and partials.

In addition to its many other functions, the Mercy Medical Free Clinics also feature an on-site non-dispensing drug outlet and a dispensing pharmacy. Also, the majority of the medications provided to our patients are obtained through The Medicine Mart, Darlington Family Pharmacy, and the Hartsville Drug Company which are local retail pharmacies in our area. Another source of free medications is Welvista which is another nonprofit organization that provides free medications to low-income individuals. All prescribed medications are free to our patients. The clinic does not have and does not dispense any narcotics or controlled substances.

Specialty on-site services now offered for our patients include podiatry, physical therapy, and nutrition counseling all offered by volunteer providers. Those requiring specialty psychiatry care or those requiring alcohol and substance abuse treatment will be referred to other local specialists.
SERVICES & PROCEDURES – Darlington & Hartsville
Medical Clinic:
Volunteer medical staff provides primary medical care to patients who meet eligibility requirements.
- Darlington: Mondays/Wednesdays 9AM – 5PM, Thursdays 11AM – 7PM, Fridays 9AM – 12:30PM.
- Hartsville: Tuesdays 11AM – 7PM.
Free medication paperwork is completed with the initial interview and ongoing as needed. The clinic pharmacy dispenses life-sustaining medications to eligible patients. MEDICATIONS CAN BE PICKED UP AT EITHER LOCATION. Volunteer pharmacists fill prescriptions written by clinic physicians. Sample medications are donated through physicians’ offices and some pharmaceutical companies, and are dispensed through the clinic pharmacy on an as-needed basis. Stock medications that are not available through the free medication programs are purchased at cost through a local retail pharmacy to be dispensed through the clinic pharmacy.
Procedure Guidelines
Patients must fill out an application and be screened before being seen by a provider.
- No food or drink is allowed in the clinic building.
- No smoking is permitted on the clinic property.
- No alcoholic beverages are permitted on clinic property.
- Patients are seen in appointment order.
- Patients that do not show for their appointment allow for work-ins to be seen as time allows.